Equipping mobile wagons and mission vehicles

בנייה ופיתוח Equipping mobile wagons and mission vehicles

The Reouel Group develops, plans and manufactures TURNKEY command vehicles / dedicated mission vehicles to successfully complete the mission while applying principles and using accumulated experience in the comfort of the emergency user.

Among the principles and emphases that the Rauel Group is dealing with:

* A narrow and complex space in a vehicle in vehicles, and will include all the elements of electricity, computing and communication in vehicles and vehicles of different types under different conditions.

* Ergonomics and human engineering while thinking about the user's comfort when using the chassis over time 24/7 7 days a week.

* Modularity, the ability to handle malfunctions in the equipment stored both in the operator's chests in the vehicles and in the damped bases, while ensuring strength, high final quality.

* Compliance with harsh environmental conditions – a mobile vehicle and compliance with all the required qualities both in terms of strength of materials and in the technical aspect.

* Providing a complete solution starting from the design phase to the mechanical assembly phase and delivering a perfect project.

Zivod Carriages – Command and Control Carriages – 19" cushioned cabinet – Command Room – CPA

בקשה להצעת מחיר

לקביעת פגישה צרו קשר

Equipping mobile wagons and mission vehicles

ראואל - בעמ